Hell Let Loose Artilleryman handbook

So you want to be an Artilleryman, rain down hellfire and chaos upon your enemies. It is the most powerful weapon in the available arsenal so better make sure you know how to use it.

Get the shells right on the target to clear enemy occupied territory and greatly speed up the advance of your own troops. Miss the shot and you are risking spreading the guts of your teammates all over the battlefield.

Hell Let Loose artillery guide

How to use artillery in Hell Let Loose

  1. Enter and exit using the F key.
  2. There are two positions at the gun, default F1 for the gunner's seat and F2 for the loader.
  3. Get the gunner’s crosshair on the marker you want to engage.
  4. Gunners can move crosshair by 15 degrees left and right. Loaders have a full range of motion on the axis.
  5. Knowing the distance to your target from the marker use the provided comparison table to convert Meters to Mills.
  6. As a gunner, use UP and DOWN keys to set the Mills value of the cannon.
  7. From the loadre's seat select shell type you want to send, 1 for high explosive (HE) and 2 for smoke. Press R key to load the gun.
  8. The gunner is now ready to fire the round by pressing M1 button.

Tips for the artillery crew

  1. Avoid friendly fire. Make sure there are no friendly troops around the target when firing HE rounds. The blast radius is wider than you think.
  2. Communicate with your teammates. Let them know you are about to engage the target.
  3. Observe the map for markers. Commander and Squad Leads will be marking enemy garrisons, troop concentrations, and other enemy objects on the map. These are primary targets for artillery.
  4. Adjust the gun after each shot. The blowback can change the angle of the barrel so double check your are still zeroed in.
  5. Observe munition resources. Each fired round costs munition points, 5 points for smoke rounds and 3 for HE. Engineer class can put down muniton nodes on the map adding 5, 10 or 15 points per minute depending on the location of the node.
  6. Use spotters. Having a team member near the target allows you to adjust the precision of your fire and increase artillery effectiveness.
  7. Practice! Use an empty server to better your skills. Practice reloading, targeting and marking the targets.